© Larry Dane Brimner, 2023


Why do you write the books you write?

This is a common question. First and foremost, I write to entertain and /or to inform myself, to answer those questions that are nagging at me. I think this is probably true of most writers. With my fiction, I write to entertain, to embolden, to embrace children who might feel the same as the characters in my books. I want them to come away from my books with a sense that they are who they were meant to be. With my nonfiction, I write to encourage young people to explore, to question history, and to think critically. By giving them examples from our history, I hope to give kids the courage to stand up as others have done before them--to make the world a better place socially, politically, and environmentally. I write the stories of our history so our children will know that mistakes were made, sometimes horrible mistakes, and they should not be afraid to face them and to correct them. Never be afraid to confront the mistakes of the past and work to see that they are not repeated.
Larry Dane Brimner